The 21st NorthWest World
Reggae Festival
July 18 - 20 2025
$180 - 3 Day Pass w/ Basic Camping
$220 - VIP 3 Day Pass w/ VIP Camping
2 day and single day tickets on sale now

Click here for Site Walk Through Video
Greetings and Welcome to
The 21st Annual
NorthWest World Reggae Festival
July 18 - 20 2025
Near Mt Hood Oregon
2 Stages this year!!
The original Oregon Roots Reggae event at the best reggae event site in Oregon.
Green grass, sandy soil(no dust), 120 acres of parking and camping, lots a shaded camping available, backstage VIP camping, fenced in shaded family camp area, shaded stage area, stage area is a gentle slope so even from the back U can see the whole stage, professional sound system and light show, two stages with performers from 10 countries (stages will be alternating shows so U will not miss any of the performers), late night dance hall, show end Sunday at 7:00 pm so U can see the whole show and still make it home at a realistic time, swimming in the clean Sandy River on the property, morning activities for the youth including special music for them, drum workshops and more, morning yoga, morning Qigong, hiking trails, Organic food and great craft booths.
And NWWRF will never charge U a service charge or any
hidden fees for your tickets!!
This will be the Ultimate Roots Reggae, dub, food, crafts and festival experience of the summer in Oregon.
We are blessed to be back at
Pfau Pfamily Pfarm
Near Brightwood, Oregon
(our site for 2017, 2018 and 2024)
Great Camping
Car Camping or RV Camping
(Car camping is camping next to or in front of your vehicle)
VIP has walk-in that will be amazing this year under trees with shade all day!
(very limited)
VIP RV/Car Camping will be close to the stage
(if VIP please let us know if U are walk-in or Car/RV camping)
Sandy River access for day time swimming
U can buy your Parking passes online or pay at the gate
Motorcycles and Bicycles are free
Youth 14 and Under are free with adults
ALL Tickets will be at Will Call
Please bring your receipt in print or on phone!
no refund on any ticket sales!
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